Friends Links 友情連結

Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world.

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Academic Verified

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Academic Verified

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Fully or partially regulated

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Blockchain warning

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Fully or partially regulated

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Tkong 友情連結的說明

Why is my website labeled as “blockchain risk,” “fully or partially government regulated,” “academic certification,” “fraud risk”…

Before adding your website to our friendly links, we will first browse your site, evaluate it, and contact you. After gaining a comprehensive understanding of your network, we label websites that may be subject to regulatory restrictions on free expression as “Fully or partially regulated

Additionally, if your website operates with support from virtual currencies, utilizes blockchain technology, or involves guiding users toward cryptocurrency transactions, it will be labeled as “Blockchain warning

If your website contains misleading links or content, as well as false information, we will label it as “False Information Fraud risk


我們在添加您的友情連結前,會首先瀏覽您的網頁並對您的網頁評估以及與您聯絡。對於您的網絡進行全面了解後,對於可能存在因監管而無法完全自由表達的網站標註「Fully or partially regulated」。

此外,如果您的網站經營由虛擬貨幣支持,並使用區塊鏈技術或存在引導進行加密貨幣交易,將被標註「Blockchain warning」。

如果您的網站存在誤導性的連結或者內容,以及虛假訊息。我們會標註「False Information Fraud risk

The informations of Tkong

Tkong 資料

Prepare the following parameters and send an email to [email protected].

  • Site name
  • site icon (Square images of 256px and above are recommended)
  • Domain
  • Description

申請 Tkong 友情連結

準備好以下的參數,並向 [email protected] 傳送郵件。

  • Site name
  • site icon (Square images of 256px and above are recommended)
  • Domain
  • Description


  1. Running time: more than 6 months, SLA above 95%.
  2. Language: The website is available in at least one of English, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.
  3. Does not contain explicit content, child sexual abuse, or politically sensitive content.
  4. Does not contain racial discrimination, sexism, discrimination against sexual minorities, etc.
  5. Do not collect too much or move other people's articles without authorization. Ensure the basic article quality and ensure that original articles account for the majority.
  6. Update at least one quality article every 90 days.
  7. Can have normal communication with bloggers without being childish, uncivil or discriminatory
  8. Running time: more than 6 months, SLA above 95%.


  1. 語言要求:至少支援正體中文、簡體中文、英文其中一種。
  2. 不包含露骨內容、兒童性虐待或政治敏感內容。
  3. 不包含種族歧視、性別歧視、性少數歧視等內容。
  4. 請勿過多收藏或擅自搬運他人物品。保證基本的文章質量,保證原創文章佔多數。
  5. 每 90 天至少更新一篇品質文章
  6. 能夠與博主正常交流,不帶幼稚、不文明或歧視的態度

Evaluation angle

The following characteristics may affect Tkong’s evaluation on swapping friendly links:

  • Use servers in non-mainstream areas of the world and have slow TTFB.
  • The region where you are using the server has unusually strict Internet restrictions.
  • Your website language is not Chinese or English, or your native language is not Chinese or English.
  • The page has a large number of advertisements or advertising slots.
  • A lot of reposted content.
  • ICP is not the website entity itself.
  • Multi-level domain names or rented subdomain names.
  • free domain name.
  • Post SEO score is low.
  • Arrogant, arrogant and unpleasant attitude.



  • 使用世界非主流地區的伺服器,TTFB速度慢。
  • 您使用伺服器的地區有異常嚴格的網路限制。
  • 您的網站語言不是中文或英文,或您的母語不是中文或英文。
  • 頁面有大量廣告或廣告版位。
  • 大量轉發內容。
  • ICP並不是網站實體本身。
  • 多級域名或租用子域名。
  • 免費網域。
  • 文章 SEO 得分較低。
  • 態度傲慢、傲慢、令人不快。